Commercial Services
Commercial Safe & Lock is New Mexico's trusted name in security solutions since 1979.
Access control 
Access control is a good management tool which can tighten up your security and keep track of employees and visitors during the work day. The Alarm Lock family of keyless security products is designed to control access of a single entry point for facilities with up to 150 users. Each user is assigned personal identification number which can be three to six digits long. Audible feedback verifies each key press. All programming is easily accomplished from the keypad. Three rugged stainless steel models are available to meet most residential and commercial environments.
Our access systems products provide you with the technology you need to deliver sophisticated security solutions, from the simplest to the most challenging. If you operate a business with multiple doors to the building, access control is an even more critical concern for the overall security of your business as well as you're the safety of your employees while on the job.
Door Closers 
Our Door Closers offer a wide range of door control devices that meet today's requirement for high quality door hardware. Our full line of non-handed surface and concealed closers are available in a variety of architectural finishes and come from some of the leading brands in door hardware.
Exit Device 
Exit panic bars you see on most doors do an excellent job of both securing a building and providing a safe way out in an emergency. Life safety codes require the use of exit devices in specific situations, and most codes prohibit the use of any other lock or mechanism on the door that would prevent the use of the device or confuse the user. The primary purpose of an exit device is to protect life safety by providing free egress to occupants of a building or room. These devices are designed for easy use, even in the dark. The independent testing laboratories that test them require that they be relatively easy to operate, so they can be used by small children and physically impaired adults.